On-chip plasmonic platform for rapid DNA sequencing

Image from Licence Details: On-chip plasmonic platform for rapid DNA sequencing

Applications: Data storage, Biosensing, Nanoscale Sensors

Optical and electronic reading and writing of a biomolecule in a plasmonic sensing region – hundreds of such sensors can be created on a wafer.

Features Benefits
  • Coupling on-chip photonics to nanopores to create a write/erase scheme.
  • Precise physiochemical reactions can be initiated, triggered and sensed.
  • Capability for dielectrophoretic concentrating and trapping.
  • Significantly enhancing sensing/storage volumes to concentrations that are clinically relevant.
  • A completely novel data storage architecture, using polymers that are modified when exposed to photons.
  • Permits writing without synthesis of molecules (such as DNA) requiring separate, rate limiting, processes. Also permits reading without current challenges of external noise.

Patent pending, available for:

  • Licensing
  • Co-development
  • Consulting
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