Engaging with Social Sciences

We support the innovative, creative and impactful research that is taking place in the Social Sciences Division, through enterprise, entrepreneurship and consultancy. Oxford University Innovation can be seen as yet another pathway to support the impact agenda.

Making an impact with consultancy

Researchers are motivated to undertake consultancy work for a variety of reasons, ranging from the desire to see their expertise applied to new challenges outside the spheres of teaching and research, through to opportunities to build relationships that may lead to downstream research funding and financial benefits personally or for the Faculty. Whatever the motivation, we aim to work in partnership offering an efficient and effective service that includes fee discussions, contract negotiation and insurance cover.

Case Studies

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Max Roser’s ever-changing world           Climate Change Resilience

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Supporting the nation’s auditors             Enigmma Variations

Transforming research with licensing or new ventures

If you have an idea which has come from your research and you are looking for ways to make an impact with it, our Licensing and Ventures team can help you develop and realise your ambitions. If you want to lead the idea, we can support you. If you want to support the idea, we can help to put together a team around you to make it happen. Your venture could be profit making,  not for profit (social enterprise) or a mechanism for returning research funding back to your Faculty. We will tailor the process to your needs and enable you to guide your idea in the way that suits you to achieve your objectives.

Case Studies

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Reasoning First: year 2 mathematics      Smartphones become SmartStones

Planning a startup?

There is a growing appetite for engagement in creative and entrepreneurial thinking which can lead to the development of a startup based on these fresh ideas.  The Oxford University Innovation Startup Incubator can help support budding entrepreneurs to do just that. We can tailor the support you need to fit the specific challenges of your new venture. The Oxford University Startup Incubator is aimed at members and alumni of the University of Oxford wanting to start or grow entrepreneur-driven ventures that are not University spinouts.

startup diagram

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Case studies

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Cycle.land                                                           Pilio

Innovation funding options for the social sciences

Oxford University Innovation is addressing the remarkable opportunity of investing in the growing pipeline of idea-based ventures originating from the Social Sciences Division by launching a new Investors Club. The Social Impact Investment Forum will bring together seed investors and new opportunities from the Social Sciences Division, and will be active from 2017.



Crowdfunding, OxReach

Get in touch!

ISIS_14_073 Susan Clark

Susan Clark

Senior Project Manager, Social Sciences & Humanities

e: susan.clark@innovation.ox.ac.uk

t: 01865 280 825

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