Our Services

Our organisation is structured around the services that we offer.

University researchers who wish to commercialise their IP are supported by the Licensing & Ventures team which can assist with licensing and spinout formation, and liaising with technology seekers, investors, and other external parties.

Researchers from across the University who wish to provide academic consultancy or services are supported by the Consulting Services team, which also assists external clients to identify and engage with relevant staff from Oxford.

Investors or donors interested in early-stage ventures are assisted by the Venture Support & Funding team. The University’s own investments in past spinouts are managed by the Spinout Equity Management team.

Members and ex-members of the University wanting to start or grow entrepreneur-driven ventures that are not University spinouts may apply to enter the Startup Incubator for support.

Commercial and academic access to Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) measures developed at the University of Oxford and other institutions is offered by the Clinical Outcomes team.

Governments, business and universities worldwide may access support and know-how for innovation management through Oxentia (now a separate company, formerly known as Isis Enterprise).

Company Structure

Oxford University Innovation is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of the University of Oxford, overseen by a board drawn from senior University staff and external members with broad industry experience.

Complaints Procedure

We hope you’ll be pleased with the service you receive from Oxford University Innovation (OUI). If you would like to provide feedback, email enquiries@innovation.ox.ac.uk with ‘Feedback’ in the subject of the message. Or complete our Contact Us Form.

If you have a complaint, please address it to the Interim Chief Executive Officer by email to mairi.gibbs@innovation.ox.ac.uk. If your complaint is about the Interim Chief Executive Officer, please send it to the Head of HR by email to carolyn.hall@innovation.ox.ac.uk and it will be escalated to the Chair of OUI.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as we can and, at the very latest, within five working days. We will then investigate, to establish what has happened and decide what next steps to take.  We will try to resolve the issue to your satisfaction; if this is not possible, we will explain to you why this is, and what we are able to do instead.


Statement on maintaining a respectful and professional environment

At Oxford University Innovation we are committed to maintaining a respectful and professional environment for our staff. We do not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment, or inappropriate behaviour.

Our commitment and our expectations:

Respect: Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their role or background, and regardless of the person with whom they are interacting.
Inclusivity: Our environment should be inclusive, where diversity is valued, and everyone feels welcome.
Zero Tolerance: Any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated, and any such actions will be addressed.

If you experience or witness inappropriate behaviour:

Report it: Please report any incidents to your line manager (for OUI staff) or in accordance with the reporting procedures in the Procedure for complaints of harassment against University staff.
Support: We will provide support and take appropriate action to address the issue. Incidents will be handled in accordance with the University’s Harassment Policy, and support will be provided to staff if they choose to take this route.
Confidentiality: All reports will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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