Research projects to undertake fundamental research that will advance the case for Bioenergy. The successful projects will be expected to become members of the SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub.
Key points/focus:
The call should be focused on the following areas:
Integration of processes to match biomass to conversion technology and vice versa
Measurement and analysis of greenhouse gas balances for bioenergy systems
Other comments:
Applicants should refer to work being carried on within the Hub to date in order to avoid duplication of effort and to encourage complementary work packages to more effectively advance Bioenergy research. Specifically, applicants should be aware of the Hub’s report on Greenhouse Gas balances, which should be reflected when building work packages around this area within the remit of this call. Applicants can cover one or more areas listed, but are not expected to cover all areas.
Applications Procedure:
Up to £3M will be made available for funding to fund 3 projects of up to £1M each. For each project there should be a single form submitted through the Je-S system although the project can be multi-institutional. The successful project(s) will be branded as SUPERGEN and are expected to work closely with the existing SUPERGEN Hub.
Applicants should note the additional grant conditions:
The SUPERGEN Bioenergy website gives details of the current activities of the Bioenergy Hub. For further information on the operation of the SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub please contact the Hub manager, Laura O’Keefe.