Clinical Outcomes

Clinical Outcomes is a product and service business (within Oxford University Innovation) dedicated to the provision and support of high-quality validated outcomes measures (questionnaires) across the healthcare sector. The vast majority of our measures are Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures (or sometimes referred to as PROMs).

We provide licences for some of the most respected and widely deployed outcome measures used by the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare providers, academia and medical device manufacturers.

The Clinical Outcomes team can also provide expert advice on the development and psychometric validation of new COAs and PROs, as well as the use of our own and other health outcome measures.



Latest Clinical Outcomes News

Enhance post-operative care through Clinical Outcome’s portfolio of assessment tools

13th May 2024
All News | Clinical Outcomes

Post-operative care is a critical phase in the journey towards healing and restored health following a surgical procedure. It's a period where patients require close monitoring and support to ensure a smooth recovery process. While medical interventions are crucial during surgery, the care provided afterward plays an equally significant role in determining the overall outcome.

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