Fireside Chat with Professor Dame Carol Robinson and Dr Idlir Liko, OMass

Fireside Chat with Professor Dame Carol Robinson and Idlir Liko, founders of OMass Therapeutics

Join us to hear great insights into research & innovation from OMass Therapeutics Founders Professor Dame Carol Robinson and Dr Idlir Liko

Presented as part of the Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Award, join us as we chat with Professor Dame Carol Robinson and Dr Idlir Liko about their fascinating entrepreneurial journey, which led to creating spinout company OMass Therapeutics. Expert panel discussion followed by a drinks reception.

OMass Therapeutics is a drug discovery company focused on developing treatments for rare immunological and genetic diseases. OMass are developing novel medicines using technologies based on high-resolution mass spectrometry of intact protein assemblies.

Dame Professor Carol Robinson is founder of OMass Therapeutics and is a non-executive Director and an advisor to the Company. Carol holds the Chair of Dr Lee’s Professor of Chemistry and is the first Director of the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery at Oxford. She is recognised for establishing mass spectrometry as a viable technology to study the structure, function and interactions of proteins and their complexes.

Dr Idlir Liko is founder and Senior Director of Technology of OMass Therapeutics. He received his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2015. In 2016, he co-founded the company and played a key role in transferring the technology from academia to industry.

Please note: this event is only open to staff and students of the University of Oxford Departments of Chemistry and Materials. This event is free of charge, but places are limited and booking is required.

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