Allows transitioning to lighter or deeper sleep through deep-brain stimulation.
Potential to be used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness (e.g. narcolepsy), and pathological sleep caused by neurological disorders.
Avoids pharmacological agents to address sleep disorders, which may impact the action of other drugs and induce tolerance.
Provides treatment options to under-served patients such as young people who have recovered from traumatic brain injury, where no drug treatment currently exists.
Personalised, adjustable pulses delivered according to patient-specific sleep features and recorded physiological signals (e.g. from wearables), or according to a desired rhythm.
Adaptable to the patients’ real-time needs and in sync with circadian rhythms.
Software/stimulation patterns can be incorporated into pre-implanted devices such as those targeting Parkinson’s disease, tremor or psychiatric disease.
Avoids further invasive and costly procedures.
Improves the patients existing therapy by alleviating sleep-related symptoms.
Can enhance plasticity mechanisms.
Ability to modulate areas of the brain relevant to learning and memory.