Contact force determination for OLE Monitoring

Image from Licence Details: Contact force determination for OLE Monitoring

Applications: Real-time monitoring of pantographs and overhead line equipment for electrified railways.

By intelligently combining data from a camera and accelerometers, this technology accurately estimates the contact force between a train’s pantograph and the overhead line equipment (OLE). This advanced approach not only improves the precision of height and force measurement but also enhances the system’s responsiveness, ensuring real-time insight for better performance and reliability in electrified railway operations.

Features Benefits
  • Real-time OLE monitoring using in-service trains provides continues data collection across the network without relying on specialist trains.
  • This improves reliability, reduces delays, and boosts passenger throughout by enabling faster issue detection and resolution.
  • Incorporating high frequency accelerometer data.
  • Increases accuracy and the bandwidth of the contact force estimations, allowing the system to provide estimates up to 20 Hz, as required by the EN 50317:2012 standard.
  • Tracking the movement of the pantograph through the accelerometer data.
  • Allows the pantograph height to be measured even when the pantograph cannot be tracked in the images from the camera system.
  • Using a system identification (machine learning approach) to model the dynamics of the pantograph head by simultaneous integration of both the vertical acceleration and the position of the pantograph head.
  • Parameters of the model could be tracked and any changes due to damage or wear could be identified.


Available for:

  • Licensing
  • Co-development
  • Consulting


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