Predictive biomarkers of cardiac toxicity during chemotherapy
Applications: Treatment response biomarker
Predictive SNPs identified from GWAS studies and subsequently validated that predict the likelihood of cardiac related toxicity during 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) or Capecitabine treatment for colorectal, gastric, or breast cancer.
Validated SNPs of cardiac toxicity in response to 5-FU treatment.
Improves clinical decision making with regard to treatment choice or degree of monitoring during treatment.
Cardiotoxicity is not identified by any of the SNPs in the commonly used 4-SNP DYPD assays for assessing response to 5-FU treatment.
Adds new information to existing assays.
>79% sensitivity and >91% specificity.
High levels of accuracy allow for improved decision-making.
14 different informative SNPs identified.
Allows test developers to use SNP most appropriate for their assay.