Version 2.2 of the UKPDS OM, a Type 2 diabetes Outcomes Model

The UKPDS Outcomes Model v2.2 is available to license from our Software Store. Click here for licensing information.
The new UKPDS Outcome Model has significant advantages over version 1. It captures more outcomes, is based on longer follow-up data, and comprehensively captures the progression of type 2 diabetes.
A major feature of the updated version is that it is based on data from the longest follow-up study of patients with type 2 diabetes , including both clinical trial and observational data in patients with a long duration of diabetes who were considerably older (up to age 90 years) than usual clinical trial participants.
The UKPDS Outcomes Model v2.2 will permit epidemiologists, health economists and trialists to carry out detailed and reliable lifetime simulations of key health outcomes in type 2 diabetes to analyse the cost-effectiveness of different intervention to manage diabetes.
Why model type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is estimated to affect 9% of adults in the UK and cost $465 billion each year. With these figures predicted to rise by 50% over the next 20 years, providing care for type 2 diabetes represents a major economic challenge for the healthcare industry. Given the extended time frame and multiple outcomes associated with type 2 diabetes, stakeholders frequently make use of health economic models to support evidence-based decision making related to funding allocation.
The new and improved UKPDS Outcomes Model v2.2
The Oxford UKPDS Outcomes Model is a computerised simulation tool designed to estimate life expectancy, quality-adjusted life expectancy and the cumulative costs of complications in people with type 2 diabetes. The newly released Version 2.2 represents a significant advance, making use of data from all 5,102 UKPDS patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes who entered the trial and 4,031 survivors who entered the 10 year post-trial monitoring period. This equates to 89,760 patient-years of data and provides double the number of events compared with Version 1.
Key new features
- Additional risk factors: albuminuria, heart rate, white blood cell count, haemoglobin and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
- Additional clinical events: foot ulceration and death from cardiovascular disease
- New equations predict second events for MI, stroke and lower extremity amputation
- Supports up to 3 groups of patients in a single run and provides a summary for each group as well as group differences
- Cost /utility values now vary by age and sex
- Addition of therapy costs and costs pre and post complication
- Calculation of Monte Carlo error allows fine-tuning simulation
- Can queue workbooks to run multiple unattended simulations, while parallel processing can take full advantage of up to 10 computer cores
Tried and Trusted
The UKPDS Outcomes Model has been adopted by a range of companies, government bodies and universities.
Key Adopters:
- 4 out of the 5 largest diabetes drug manufacturers
- The UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (UK)
- A wide range of healthcare consultancies
Transparency and Flexibility
The UKPDS Outcomes Model v2.2 takes a completely transparent approach in which we fully report its development, including the equations that determine all outcomes, and the algorithm used to bring the elements of the model together. The model uses Microsoft Excel workbooks and can operate on Windows and Mac OS X platforms.
To enquire about licensing UKPDS Outcomes Model v2.2, please contact the UKPDS team directly.
To request a licence for the UKPDS Outcomes model v2.2, please use the following link UKPDS Outcomes Model Non-Commercial (
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