The Well-being in Pregnancy (WiP) questionnaire is a pregnancy specific well-being measure which has been developed to assess positive and negative emotions and thoughts about pregnancy.
The concept of well-being is multi-faceted by encompassing both positive and negative emotions and satisfaction with life. Measuring both positive and negative thoughts and emotions is highly relevant in maternity care that aims to optimise a woman’s experience of pregnancy and childbirth, focusing on positive aspects of health and well-being, not just the prevention of ill health.
The WiP is free of charge for healthcare providers, publicly funded organisations and use within academic studies and is Licenced on behalf of Oxford University.
Design & Development
Following its initial development, the WiP has been modified with core questionnaire items amended and the development of five additional items to assess well-being in pregnancy for women living with a long-term conditions.
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Scoring System
The WiP questionnaire contains 12 items measuring three core WiP sub-scales; 1) Concerns over support after birth, 2) Positive pregnancy and, 3) Confidence about motherhood, and a five item
standalone LTC specific scale.
Sub-scales are transformed to a 0-100 metric, where 0 indicates low levels of well-being, and 100 indicates high levels of well-being.
Scores are obtained through summing the scores of each item
with some item responses inverted to ensure higher scores correspond to higher well-being.
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Administration Guidance
The recommended WiP questionnaire format is outlined below.
For the core WiP, items are arranged with four items per page (electronic version) or all items on one page (pen and paper version)
Where applicable, the LTC items are placed on one page (both for electronic and paper versions)
Responses are scored on a Likert scale (‘All the time’ to ‘At no time’)
Subscript number on bottom right of response boxes indicate how responses should be coded