Companies formed
Since 1987, Oxford University Innovation has been responsible for creating spinout companies based on academic research generated within and owned by the University of Oxford, and in recent years has spun out 15-20 new companies every year.
Over £2.5bn in external investment has been raised by Oxford University Innovation spinouts since 2010, and ten of our current portfolio are currently listed in London and New York.
The creation of new spinout companies, most of which are listed below, also channels millions of pounds back into University research, benefits local economic development and has created many new jobs in the region.
Salunda (Oxford RF Sensors)

Robust, networked sensors for oilfield machinery, drilling and metering.
Incorporated in June 2005
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry
Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Oxford Nanopore Technologies is developing and commercialising a new generation of nanopore-based electronic systems for analysis of single molecules, including DNA, RNA and proteins.
Incorporated in May 2005
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry
EKB Technology
EKB Technology commercialises a revolutionary Bioprocessing Technology developed for the use of biological systems such as plant and animal cells and microorganisms to modify, produce or purify chemical intermediates.
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Earth Sciences
Surface Therapeutics (acquired by Serentis)
Surface Therapeutics is a drug discovery and development company developing innovative new drugs to treat inflammatory epithelial diseases of the skin and lungs. Surface Therapeutics was acquired by Serentis Inc in September 2007.
Origin: Oxford University, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
G-Nostics has identified SNPs that have highly predictive associations with nicotine addiction and therefore tobacco consumption. These SNPs provide a method to help individuals decide which specific smoking cessation methods are most effective for them, offering personalised treatment to the 'smoker' which significantly increases their chances of quitting.
Origin: Oxford University, Sir William Dunn School of Pharmacology
Oxford Medical Diagnostics

Breath analysis.
Incorporated in June 2004
Origin: Oxford University, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion

Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) helps local government identify deprived neighbourhoods, target resources, evaluate programme effectiveness and strengthen regeneration bids.
Incorporated in August 2003
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Social Policy and Intervention
ReOx is a drug discovery company that is building on the primary research of the founding academics to develop novel treatments for disease by controlling the activity of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF).
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Summit plc

Summit Therapeutics is an international biopharmaceutical company focussed on the discovery and development of novel medicines to treat the fatal muscle wasting disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy and infections caused by the bacteria C. difficile.
Incorporated in February 2003
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Biochemistry
Summit Therapeutics

Chemical genomics.
Incorporated in February 2003
Origin: Oxford University
BioAnaLab (acquired by Millipore Corp.)
BioAnalab offers a contract testing service to the biopharmaceutical industry for the rapidly growing area of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, with a longer-term strategy to develop diagnostics to measure levels of monoclonal antibodies and their immune response. In July 2009, BioAnaLab was acquired by Millipore Corp.
Incorporated in November 2002
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Pathology
Oxford Risk

Oxford Risk is the market-leading provider of customer risk profilers. Their products reveal the level of risk customers are willing and able to take with their financial investments.
Incorporated in November 2002
Origin: Oxford University, Nuffield Department of Population Health
Oxford Immunotec (acquired by PerkinElmer)

Oxford Immunotec is a global, commercial-stage diagnostics company committed to improving patient care by providing advanced, innovative tests in the field of immunology. In 2021, Oxford Immunotec was acquired by PerkinElmer.
Incorporated in October 2002
Origin: Oxford University, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine
Oxitec (Intrexon)

Provide an environmentally-responsible method of controlling disease spreading pests.
Incorporated in August 2002
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Zoology
Intrexon (Oxitec)

Controlling insects that spread disease.
Incorporated in August 2002
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Zoology
Oxford Biomaterials

Biomimetic spinning of fibres.
Incorporated in March 2002
Origin: Oxford University