Companies formed

Since 1987, Oxford University Innovation has been responsible for creating spinout companies based on academic research generated within and owned by the University of Oxford, and in recent years has spun out 15-20 new companies every year.

Over £2.5bn in external investment has been raised by Oxford University Innovation spinouts since 2010, and ten of our current portfolio are currently listed in London and New York.

The creation of new spinout companies, most of which are listed below, also channels millions of pounds back into University research, benefits local economic development and has created many new jobs in the region.

2023 offers a useful new approach for appraising technology, and an important guide for decision-making in technology investment, transfer and commercialisation.

Incorporated in January 2023


Digital CBTe software.

Incorporated in December 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Psychiatry

A proprietary multi-omics discovery platform to resolve RNA-centric mechanisms in rare and chronic diseases.

Incorporated in December 2022

Origin: Oxford University, NDORMS

Provides advanced insights on global information operations, data flows, and public understanding of critical issues.

Incorporated in December 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Oxford Internet Institute

Aim to deliver rapid diagnosis of inherited blood disorders, infectious diseases and early-stage cancer in sub-Saharan Africa.

Incorporated in October 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Oncology

Design oligonucleotide drugs that can activate expression of specific genes using a novel gene regulatory mechanism.

Incorporated in October 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Paediatrics

Help customers obtain high-purity metals from their waste or process streams in a simple & highly profitable manor and achieve sustainability goals by removing toxic metals from wastewater.

Incorporated in September 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Engineering

Revolutionising the production of Fluorochemicals. A highly innovative, cost-effective and sustainable technology that removes the hazards of traditional fluorinating processes and supply chain.

Incorporated in September 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Chemistry

OxCo produces videos in collaboration with researchers, teaches academics how to leverage video technologies, and convenes unique hybrid events.

Incorporated in August 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Sociology

Platform to promote critical thought on India and British Indians.

Incorporated in March 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics

To improve the ESG outcomes of publicly traded corporations by enhancing the efficacy of shareholder ownership rights.

Incorporated in February 2022

Origin: Oxford University, Kellogg College


To develop and commercialise a rapid non-lab based diagnostic test for viral infections, with the first focus on Covid19.

Incorporated in December 2021

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physics

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