Companies formed
Since 1987, Oxford University Innovation has been responsible for creating spinout companies based on academic research generated within and owned by the University of Oxford, and in recent years has spun out 15-20 new companies every year.
Over £2.5bn in external investment has been raised by Oxford University Innovation spinouts since 2010, and ten of our current portfolio are currently listed in London and New York.
The creation of new spinout companies, most of which are listed below, also channels millions of pounds back into University research, benefits local economic development and has created many new jobs in the region.
Rogue Interrobang

Strategy gaming and consultancy
Incorporated in March 2019
Origin: Oxford University, Linguistics
Cortex Organics

Focus on the synthesis of natural products.
Incorporated in December 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry
Oxstem Immuno

OxStem Immuno aims to develop small molecule drugs that augment macrophage efferocytosis in
vitro and enhance tissue repair in vivo. These therapies will supercede the need for cell transplantation
or cytokine therapy in the context of tissue repair for chronic wounds and a range of inflammatory
Incorporated in December 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Contact: Adam Workman
Oxstem Beta

OxStem Beta will generate novel therapies to stimulate formation of new beta cells in the pancreas
(neogenesis) by targeting pathways that are normally only active during development or following
pancreatic injury.
Incorporated in December 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Pathology
sOPHIa Oxford

A not for profit company providing a solution and accreditation to businesses that work to bring their workforce out of multidimensional poverty
Incorporated in November 2018
Origin: Oxford University, International Development

Cocotec builds software tools, which harness the power of automated formal verification. Its product, the Coco Platform, comes with a powerful software development environment that enables developers to build their software, automatically verify whether it is correct, and then generate high quality reliable code.
Incorporated in November 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Computer Science

Developing a brain implant to treat a variety of diseases.
Incorporated in October 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences

A novel cancer cell therapy company, delivering tumour-targeted expression of anti-cancer biologics.
Incorporated in October 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Sir William Dunn School of Pharmacology
Helio Display Materials (Heliochrome)

LED spin-out using Perovskite technology.
Incorporated in September 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physics
Oxford Molecular Biosensors Limited

Development and application of bacterial biosensors for detection and quantification of environmental contamination, including organics and metals, on-site and in real-time.
Incorporated in August 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Engineering Science
Contact: Andy Robertson

Company developing AI-based learning support applications.
Incorporated in August 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Computer Science

A company being established to commercialise Zooniverse technology
Incorporated in July 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physics
Caristo Diagnostics

Software development for a novel biomarker to detect coronary heart disease.
Incorporated in July 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Radcliffe Department of Medicine

Cybersecurity in a post quantum world
Incorporated in July 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Computer Science
Oxford HighQ

Sensor technology based on optical microcavities used in scientific instruments and chemical sensors.
Incorporated in June 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Materials
Contact: Adam Workman
Refeyn (Arago Biosciences)

Developing mass photometry - a revolutionary new way to analyse molecules. It enables the accurate mass measurement of single molecules in solution, in their native state and without the need for labels.
Incorporated in June 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry
Contact: Adam Workman
HEXR (Oxhex)

Custom made helmet using 3D printing.
Incorporated in June 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Engineering Science

Therapeutics biotech company developing proprietary drug delivery platform technology.
Incorporated in March 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics

Crop biostimulants for global food security
Incorporated in March 2018
Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry