
We publish news of technology innovations, investment opportunities, together with updates from spinout & startup companies and licensees

Further Investment in Energy Management Technology Spun-out of Oxford

19th April 2012
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Navetas Energy Management has secured £5m in strategic investment from Sensus, a leading utility infrastructure company offering smart meters and communication systems for the electric, gas, and water industries. The investment deal will see Sensus acquire a 15% stake in Navetas and an exclusive licence agreement for Navetas technology in the United States market.

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Nanopore: The Oxford story

20th March 2012
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Last month Oxford University spinout firm Oxford Nanopore revealed that it is to produce a new DNA sequencing machine the size of a USB stick.

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Leading Healthcare Company Provides Support for Oxford Invention Fund

15th March 2012
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Oxford University Innovation is pleased to announce that the Oxford Invention Fund has accepted funding support from the Johnson & Johnson Corporate Office of Science and Technology (COSAT). This is the first industry support for the Oxford Invention Fund.

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Isis Spin-out Oxford Nanopore Announces USB-sized DNA Reader

21st February 2012
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Isis spin-out Oxford Nanopore has announced its novel nanopore DNA ‘strand sequencing’ method on its GridION platform for the first time and has also presented ‘MinION’ – a sequencer that is the size of a USB memory stick that is expected to retail at less than $900.

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Isis Start-up Provides Sentiment Analysis Tool for Business, Finance

13th February 2012
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Oxford-developed software which builds on a deep understanding of linguistics to assess accurately what people mean from what they say online will provide a “sentiment analysis” tool for businesses, particularly finance companies. The new company, TheySay, has been set up by the University’s technology transfer company, Oxford University Innovation and today announced it had received first-round investment of up to £500,000 from IP Group plc.

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