

We publish news of technology innovations, investment opportunities, together with updates from spin-out & start-up companies and licensees

Stories of Success

8th November 2010
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“From bright sparks to brilliant businesses” is a newly published book by Sir Douglas Hague and Anthea Milnes profiling University of Oxford spin-outs.

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Oxitec Limited Wins TSB Funding

22nd October 2010
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Based on technology developed by molecular biologist Dr Luke Alphey and colleagues at Oxford University's Department of Zoology, Oxitec was spun-out of Oxford University Innovation in 2002.

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Eykona Technologies Ltd Raises £1.19m

23rd September 2010
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Oxford University Innovation Ltd. welcomes the announcement by Eykona, an Oxford-based medical technology company, that it has completed an investment round of £1.19m. The round, which was over-subscribed, allows Eykona to progress its innovative 3D wound imaging system to launch and beyond.

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Oxford Spin-out Equity Management (OSEM)

1st February 2010
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Dr Chris Towler has started as the new Director of Oxford Spin-out Equity Management (OSEM), a new group charged with managing the University's shareholdings in its spin-out companies and investing where it sees fit.

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Lord Mandelson meets Isis spin-outs in Oxford

16th October 2009
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Lord Mandelson, the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, visited Oxford on October 16th, meeting Isis staff and representatives of Isis spin-outs.

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Oxford University Spin-Out Companies; Management Training

26th May 2009
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In direct response to demand from the technology sector, the Careers Service and Oxford University Innovation at the University of Oxford have developed a new and exciting programme to train and ‘spin-out’ CEOs for present and future spin-off companies.

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Electronic Power Group Oxford To Power New Coupé

7th May 2009
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A lightweight electric motor designed by the Electronic Power Group at the University of Oxford is to power a new four-seat coupé, with track tests scheduled for the end of 2009.

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Hagan Bayley Named Entrepreneur of the Year

27th April 2009
All News | Spinouts & Startups | Technology News

Professor Hagan Bayley, founder of Oxford Nanopore Technologies, was named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Royal Society of Chemistry last week at the Industry and Technology Forum Awards. Professor Bayley is Professor of Chemical Biology at the University of Oxford.

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