

We publish news of technology innovations, investment opportunities, together with updates from spin-out & start-up companies and licensees

BioSleep: Demonstrating the Continuum

30th November 2006
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A paper appearing in EMBC¹ reports a major advance in the study of sleep disorders. Oxford BioSignals, a spin-out company from Oxford University, has developed and validated BioSleep, a novel system based on neural network analysis, which not only elucidates the microstructure of sleep - fleeting changes which have never before been consistently demonstrated - but also reliably detects abnormal sleep patterns.

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OxTox Ltd to Improve Road Safety

14th November 2006
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The 64th spin-out company from the University of Oxford, OxTox Ltd, will produce drug-testing kits for the police to use on drivers that are as reliable and easy to use as breathalysers for alcohol.

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Spin-out Zyentia Ltd helps Osteoporosis Sufferers

1st September 2006
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Zyentia Ltd, Oxford University's latest spin-out company from the Chemistry Department, the third within the last half year, is based on technology that has the potential to solve major problems in protein therapies.

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New Spin-out: TDeltaS Ltd

30th July 2006
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A new company called TΔS (TDeltaS Ltd) has been spun-out of the University of Oxford based on findings made during research into human metabolism by Professor Kieran Clarke in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.

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Oxford Spin-outs Raise £50 million

12th July 2006
All News | Financial News | Spinouts & Startups | Technology News

Oxford spin-outs have been busy raising finance. A total of nearly £50 million has been secured so far this year by some of the 50 companies spun-out by Oxford University Innovation from the University of Oxford, including those mentioned below.

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£12M Funding for new Institute of Biomedical Engineering

29th June 2006
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Oxford University has signed a private equity deal, initially worth £12m, to help the funding of its new Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) The deal, struck with London’s City-based Technikos, also includes the provision of commercial and financial advice and assistance in return for shares in future spin-outs from IBME.

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