A process for enzymatic oxidation of vitamin D to a more bioavailable form for improved supplementation

Image from Licence Details: A process for enzymatic oxidation of vitamin D to a more bioavailable form for improved supplementation

Applications: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer health supplements, Cosmetics & Animal feed


Features Benefits
  • An engineered cytochrome P450BM3 enzyme that has high activity (~90% conversion) and selectivity (>80%) for 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D
  • A high yield process compared to conventional vitamin D oxidation routes
  • Provides a low cost route to 25-hydroxy-vitamin D due to lower complexity and higher yields
  • Significantly cheaper than the conventional chemical routes
  • Engineered P450BM3 variant has the required activity and productivity for large scale synthesis, compared to both the physiological enzyme (CYP27A1) and other bacterial enzymes (e.g. the CYP105 family)
  • A commercially viable enzymatic process
  • Versatile process that produces the 25-hydroxy form of both vitamin D2 and D3.
  • Reduced complexity and cost of manufacture


Patented and available for:

  • Licensing
  • Co-development
  • Consulting


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