Home>Psychiatry>Recovering Quality of Life – Utility Index (ReQoL-UI)
Recovering Quality of Life – Utility Index (ReQoL-UI)
The Recovering Quality of Life – Utility Index (ReQoL-UI) is a recovery-focused generic preference based data analysis tool for extracting valuable health economics data from the existing Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) Patient Reported Outcome Measure.
Development and features
The ReQoL-Utility Index (ReQoL-UI) consists of six mental health questions and a physical health question and therefore utility scores can be generated from both ReQoL-10 and ReQoL-20.
ReQoL-10 and ReQoL-20 were specifically developed with considerable inputs from service users and have high face and content validity. Therefore, the corresponding utilities are likely to be more appropriate for use to evaluate mental healthcare interventions than those generated from generic preference-based measures with a larger focus on PH rather than on MH.
Sixty four health states were valued by 305 participants, selected to generate a nationally representative sample based on age and sex. The preferred model was a random effects model, with significant and consistent coefficients and best model fit. The development of the ReQoL-UI is based on a novel application of item response theory methods for generating the classification system and selecting health states for valuation. Conventional time-trade-off was used to elicit utility values that are modeled to enable the generation of QALYs for use in cost-utility analysis of mental health interventions. The methodology is described in detail in this publication.
How do I use the tools?
The algorithms are available in STATA, SPSS (as a syntax file) and Excel. The files contain instructions about using these algorithms to generate utility scores. Make ensure you have read these carefully.
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Further important information for users
Please note the following important information
1) A licence to use the ReQo-UI does not give any rights to use the standalone ReQoL Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Measure.
2) All permissions / licences to use the ReQoL can be secured from the Clinical Outcomes team here.
3) If the ReQoL-UI algorithm is used, please cite as:
Keetharuth AD, Rowen D, Bjorner JB, Brazier J. Estimating a preference-based index for mental health from the recovering quality of life measure: Valuation of recovering quality of life utility index. Value in Health. 2021 Feb 1;24(2):281-90.
Got a question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via healthoutcomes@innovation.ox.ac.uk.