Companies formed

Since 1987, Oxford University Innovation has been responsible for creating spinout companies based on academic research generated within and owned by the University of Oxford, and in recent years has spun out 15-20 new companies every year.

Over £2.5bn in external investment has been raised by Oxford University Innovation spinouts since 2010, and ten of our current portfolio are currently listed in London and New York.

The creation of new spinout companies, most of which are listed below, also channels millions of pounds back into University research, benefits local economic development and has created many new jobs in the region.


The OrganOx metra is the first and only fully automated normothermic liver perfusion device for improved organ preservation. The OrganOx pipeline products will extend the use of their core technology to the preservation of other organs.

Incorporated in November 2008

Origin: Oxford University, Institute of Biomedical Engineering/Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences

Navetas is a UK based technology company delivering cloud-based energy monitoring and smart data analytics for the connected home.

Incorporated in November 2008

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Engineering Science

New tuberculosis vaccine – MVA85A.

Incorporated in July 2008

SemmleCode is a line of products aimed to help developer teams improve their software quality.

Incorporated in March 2008

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Computer Science


Crysalin develop a protein lattice technology that is founded on a novel form of highly ordered materials, crysalins, that are produced through modification of naturally occurring protein building blocks.

Incorporated in June 2007

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Biochemistry

Oxford BioDynamics offers a novel and revolutionary biomarker discovery platform technology in the diagnostics field of aberrant gene expression.

Incorporated in June 2007

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Pathology

ClinOx offers clients knowledge and expertise in the development, placement, conduct and analysis of early phase oncology clinical trials, with particular emphasis on pharmacokinetic and mechanistic endpoints.

Incorporated in June 2007

Origin: Oxford University, Nuffield Division of Clinical and Laboratory Sciences


Oxtox develops medical devices for the detection of specific drugs in the human system.

Incorporated in November 2006

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry

Cytox develops a technology platform for tests to identify individuals at risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Incorporated in October 2006

Origin: Oxford University, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences

Oxford Advanced Surfaces develops and commercialises advanced materials and technology solutions leveraging breakthrough surface modification technology.

Incorporated in September 2006

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry

Aurox was established to research, develop, manufacture and commercially exploit products in the field of confocal microscopy and automated pathology slide scanners.

Incorporated in July 2006

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Engineering Science

Particle Therapeutics is a drug delivery company developing innovative particle formulation and drug delivery technologies to improve the efficacy and administration of a range of pharmaceuticals.

Incorporated in June 2006

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Engineering Science

TdeltaS is committed to developing science-based proprietary products that sit at the interface of food and pharmaceuticals - nutraceuticals - and offer real improvement in human physical and mental performance.

Incorporated in March 2006

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics


Velocys, previously Oxford Catalysts, produces speciality catalysts for the generation of clean fuels, from both conventional fossil fuels and renewable sources such as biomass.

Incorporated in December 2005

Origin: Oxford University, Department of Chemistry

Celleron is an oncology healthcare company that has developed biomarkers using epigenetic techniques that match drugs to responsive disease.

Incorporated in November 2005

Origin: Oxford University, Sir William Dunn School of Pharmacology

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