All of our social ventures will benefit from raising additional funds. If you are interested in investing in any of our social ventures, get in contact with our team. Those that are in the process of raising funds right now are listed below:
Incorporated Social Ventures
SOPHIA Oxford is looking to expand its provision across Central and South America. If you would like to find out more, look at their website or contact Philippa Christoforou.
OxVent, fresh from winning an E&T Innovation Award, is raising capital to expand its provision of low-cost ventilators in the Americas. If you are interested in finding out more contact Andy Robertson.
General Social Venture Funding
Oxford University Innovation is collaborating with 11 other universities to raise funds for their social ventures. This could take the form of either equity investment or loans. If you are interested in investing in exciting new social ventures, contact Philippa Christoforou for more information.