Consulting Services

We support any staff (academic, research or professional services) undertaking consultancies. We manage all the contractual and administrative aspects of consultancy, minimising the administrative burden while protecting your interests and those of the University. We also support departments to undertake consulting and technical services work.

Register with us!

While most enquiries come directly to staff members, we do sometimes get enquiries from external organisations who need to access expertise.  If you wish to register your expertise on our database so that we can find you if we get an enquiry, please complete this form

Consultancy is a pathway to impact

There are many benefits of undertaking consultancy, some personal, some professional:

Academics may undertake up to 30 days of personal consulting per calendar year. The University has Consultancy Policies & Procedures to guide staff who wish to act as consultants.

How do we help you?

We maximise your time, reduce your risk and support your impact:

And what do people think of our service?

“…you really are the best! So efficient and nice its been a pleasure, thank you.”

I have greatly appreciated your immaculate service and unwavering support during the whole of the past period.”

I was sceptical about using [your service] in the past, but you have converted me and now I recommend you to everyone.”

I wanted to thank you for moving this ahead so effectively and efficiently. Great job.”

Consulting Services Templates

Click the image below to access the OUI Consulting Services Timesheet Template Click the image below to access the OUI Consulting Services Expenses Template

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