EPSRC is looking to support up to 3 novel research projects covering challenges in conventional power generation. Applicants may also wish to consider how to optimise existing power plants to aid in the reliability, availability, maintainability and/or operability of these plants. Social, economic and behavioural aspects were also identified as an issue relevant to the future of Conventional Power Generation.
Other comments:
Applicants must understand the social, economic and environmental implications of tacking the research challenges involved in creating new energy technologies.
Applications Procedure:
Applicants who do not register their intent to submit will have their applications rejected.
Cross-institutional bids are welcome, but there must be a single submission for each application, led by a single principal investigator, with only one proposal form. Anyone intending to submit a proposal to this call must register their interest by email to Laura.Sewell@epsrc.ac.uk by 16 June 2014, including in this email:
Name and institutions of the principal and co-investigators
Any non-academic project partners
The subject area (see call remit outlined above)
The approximate value of the funds to be requested