
We publish news of technology innovations, investment opportunities, together with updates from spinout & startup companies and licensees

New Investment Opportunities

9th November 2010
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Members of the Isis Angels Network (IAN) held a joint event in October with the Oxford Investment Opportunity Network to showcase exciting new business opportunities for early stage investors. Presentations were made by four groups with whom Isis is working– OxEMA, Deontics, Oxford Photovoltaics Ltd and OxTex.

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Stories of Success

8th November 2010
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“From bright sparks to brilliant businesses” is a newly published book by Sir Douglas Hague and Anthea Milnes profiling University of Oxford spin-outs.

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Kepler Energy Limited: Harvest Energy from Tides

25th October 2010
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A new company, Kepler Energy Limited, has been formed to develop a second-generation tidal turbine, which has the potential to harness tidal energy more efficiently and cheaply, using a device which is simpler, more robust and more scaleable than current designs.

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Oxitec Limited Wins TSB Funding

22nd October 2010
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Based on technology developed by molecular biologist Dr Luke Alphey and colleagues at Oxford University's Department of Zoology, Oxitec was spun-out of Oxford University Innovation in 2002.

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Eykona Technologies Ltd Raises £1.19m

23rd September 2010
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Oxford University Innovation Ltd. welcomes the announcement by Eykona, an Oxford-based medical technology company, that it has completed an investment round of £1.19m. The round, which was over-subscribed, allows Eykona to progress its innovative 3D wound imaging system to launch and beyond.

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Wavetrend OxLoc Partnership

20th September 2010
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OxLoc recently announced the launch of its latest version of the Asset Alert Solution for monitoring the location and condition of assets which have no access to any power source. Powered by only 2 D cell batteries, customers will be able to use these devices for operating periods of up to 3 years, reporting information twice per day.

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Kew Gardens; Sowing the Seeds of Success

17th May 2010
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In 2009 Oxford University Consulting provided an expert with the right mix of scientific credentials and management experience to join a team for an independent review of one of the UK’s most respected public institutions, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

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Oxford Executive MBA Supports Entrepreneurial Success

4th May 2010
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Since it was launched in 2004, Oxford University’s Executive MBA programme has attracted entrepreneurial participants from around the world. Company owners and entrepreneurs comprise around ten per cent of the Oxford Executive MBA class, but the ninety per cent of employed participants also benefit from the programme’s focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

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