
We publish news of technology innovations, investment opportunities, together with updates from spinout & startup companies and licensees

Isis Spin-out Oxford Nanopore Announces USB-sized DNA Reader

21st February 2012
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Isis spin-out Oxford Nanopore has announced its novel nanopore DNA ‘strand sequencing’ method on its GridION platform for the first time and has also presented ‘MinION’ – a sequencer that is the size of a USB memory stick that is expected to retail at less than $900.

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Isis Start-up Provides Sentiment Analysis Tool for Business, Finance

13th February 2012
All News | Financial News | Spinouts & Startups | Technology News

Oxford-developed software which builds on a deep understanding of linguistics to assess accurately what people mean from what they say online will provide a “sentiment analysis” tool for businesses, particularly finance companies. The new company, TheySay, has been set up by the University’s technology transfer company, Oxford University Innovation and today announced it had received first-round investment of up to £500,000 from IP Group plc.

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Oxford Imaging Detectors Spin-out Improves Scientific Imaging

3rd November 2011
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Scientific imaging will be given a boost by a new company spun out from the University of Oxford. Oxford Imaging Detectors, which is developing high performance scientific imaging detectors capable of studying structures and processes at the atomic level, has been set up by the University’s technology transfer company Oxford University Innovation.

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Oxford Scanner Reveals Secrets of Documents, Ancient and Modern

13th September 2011
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A scanner which combines the convenience of a desktop scanner with the functionality of a powerful laboratory imaging device has been developed at the University of Oxford’s Classics Department, and is now being commercialised by a new company Oxford Multi Spectral Limited which was today spun out by the University’s technology transfer company Oxford University Innovation.

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Intelligent Tissue Expanders to Revolutionise Surgery

1st August 2011
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Oxtex Limited, the newest spin-out from Oxford University Innovation Ltd, the technology transfer office of the University of Oxford, has secured £365,000 of seed funding to develop an intelligent hydrogel material for tissue expansion. For the first time, surgeons will be able to accurately and predictably control the direction, the timing, and rate of the material’s expansion in the body. This will significantly reduce the risk of soft tissue damage and associated complications. The level of control makes them ideal for use in delicate anatomical locations, particularly in the treatment of children.

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