Other Publications & Reports
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Impact Report 2023 – Oxford’s Impact Odyssey
Future Fusion
An introduction to Social Enterprise
Engineering Science brochure
Startup Incubator brochure
We help you tailor the support you need to fit the specific challenges of your new venture.
The Startup Incubator is free and aimed at members and ex-members of the University of Oxford wanting to start or grow technology ventures.
(PDF, 3MB)
Supporting SMEs flyer
Isis is offering SMEs help – both before and after technology development – through the creation of a fund for applications for upfront IP costs, and through the new flexibility of being able to pick from a choice of three exploitation options.
(PDF, 1,002KB)
Economic Impact of Oxford University Innovation’s Commercialisation Activity
Report outlining analysis undertaken by BiGGAR Economics to assess the economic impact of Isis' commercialisation activity
(PDF, 567KB)