HASMID-10 Preference-based Utility Tool

Image from Health Outcomes

The Health and Self-Management in Diabetes (HASMID-10) utility tool is a preference-based data analysis tool for extracting valuable health economic data from the existing HASMID-10 Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) Measure (or PROM).

Measuring the impact of self-management of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

The HASMID-10 is a short Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) measure that contains ten items each with four response levels to measure the impact of self-management of both Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. The HASMID-10 identifies Eight management attributes : Mood, Hypoglycaemic attacks, Social Limitations, Energy, Control, Hassle, Stress and Support.

Health economists can now build Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) evidence in support of their interventions.

How does the tool generate scores?

The HASMID-10 preference-based utility tool comes with a set of preference weights obtained from a sample of the general population (in the United Kingdom n=1,493) using the recognised valuation technique of time trade-off. Members of the general population were asked to value a selection of health and non-health aspects of self-management in diabetes, from which a model has been estimated to predict all the health states outlined in the HASMID-10.

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How do I use the tool?

The HASMID-10 preference-based utility tool generates utility values using a short syntax file that can be used within the provided excel file or the IBM SPSS™ software platform.

Algorithms also extend to a universal spreadsheet file.

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Further important information for users

Please note the following important information

1) A licence to use the HASMID-10 preference-based utility tool does not give any rights to use the standalone HASMID-10 Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Measure.

2) All permissions / licences to use the HASMID-10 can be secured from the Clinical Outcomes team here.


Got a question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via healthoutcomes@innovation.ox.ac.uk.


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