Oxford University Innovation & Oxford AHSN Technology Showcase 2015

eHealth & Big Data – Innovation with Impact

June 30th, 10am-6pm, Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road, Oxford University

This event is now over. Oxford University Innovation and the AHSN would like to thank all who participated. The posters and select presentations are now available here. If you have any specific queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the organisers (at bottom of this page).

Please click here for a copy of the Oxford University Innovation & Oxford AHSN Technology Showcase 2015 brochure

Tech Showcase Brochure 2015 - Thumbnail

The Oxford eHealth & Big Data, Oxford University Innovation & Oxford AHSN Technology Showcase 2015, highlighted the latest, most exciting technology opportunities and projects in this area from Oxford University and the Oxford Academic Health Science Network, our co-hosts and partner for this event.

The audience heard about the latest exciting projects and views from industry leaders, experience our technologies in the exhibition demonstrations, met and networked with leading academics and industry innovators.

The Oxford eHealth & Big Data was a day-long event designed to show off the newest and most innovative technologies and expertise available from Oxford University and select partners. The event was free to attend and open to colleagues working in the eHealth and Big Data sector or connected to healthcare innovation and enterprise, including our Oxford University Innovation Society members.

Themes for this event in eHealthcare and Big Data included: patient engagement, adoption of technologies and innovative projects into the NHS, NHS digital strategy, analytics, population health/epidemiology, genomics/personalised medicine, m-health/self-monitoring, image analysis, biobanking, meaningful data, linking data and social care.


Keynote speakers

Dr Paul RiceDr Paul Rice_cutout

Paul Rice is the Head of Technology Strategy in the Digital Health team in NHS England. Paul leads the team that is instrumental in delivering a digitally enabled and “paperless” NHS. For the past two years he has overseen delivery of four major capital funds worth in excess of £300m that help the NHS build the capability to introduce integrated digital care records and enable nurses to transform practice, enabled by technology, to “release time to care”. He was a major contributor to the National Information Board’s roadmap document – Personalised Health and Care 2020 – the first articulation by the health and care system of its commitment to release the benefits of digital technology, data and intelligence. He has been a Primary Care Trust Director and a transformation director in the NHS Modernisation Agency.


Dame Fiona Caldicott Fiona Caldicott use this one

Dame Fiona is the National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care, appointed by the Secretary of State for Health in England in November 2014, and also Chair of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. She is an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and was President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 1993-6, and Chairman of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. From 1996-7 she chaired the Caldicott Committee on patient identifiable data and the National Information Governance Board from 2012-13. Since then she has chaired the Independent Information Governance Oversight Panel. She was Principal of Somerville College in the University of Oxford from 1996-2010, and a Pro-Vice-Chancellor from 2002-10.


Professor Alistair Fittalistair-fitt-vice-chancellor

Professor Fitt is Vice Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University and also a member of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership Board. Alistair was previously Pro Vice Chancellor at Oxford Brookes with a remit that covered all research and knowledge exchange at the University. He studied at Lincoln College, Oxford, and specialises in industrial applied mathematics research. Alistair’s external involvements include close connections with EPSRC and other funding agencies. He is a long-standing member of the Council of the IMA (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications) and the Executive Secretary of ICIAM, the worldwide organisation for Applied Mathematics.


Mr Andy WalkerAndrew Walker

Andy Walker is Commercial Director for McLaren Applied Technologies, responsible for the development & execution of commercial strategy and creating and maintaining relationships with customers and commercial partners. Specifically Andy leads much of MAT’s business development activity in healthcare including managing the relationship with GSK Pharmaceutical R&D. Prior to joining McLaren, Andy specialised in building innovative, high-tech telecoms businesses, co-founding two venture capital backed software start-ups in Cambridge, UK, raising a number of investment rounds and being part of the management team executing a successful IPO.



Expert panel discussion

Session Chair

Professor Lionel Tarassenko


Professor Tarassenko is the author of 170 journal papers, 180 conference papers, 3 books and 27 granted patents. He has been a founder director of four University spin-out companies, the latest being Oxehealth in September 2012. He was the Director of the University of Oxford’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering from its opening in April 2008 until October 2012. He is the Bioengineering theme leader for the joint NHS/University of Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, and has been the Director of the Oxford Centre of Excellence in Medical Engineering jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and EPSRC since October 2009.



Professor Jim DaviesProf Jim Davies

Jim Davies is Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Oxford, Director of Informatics for the Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and the NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative, and Chief Technology Officer of Genomics England Limited. He is leading informatics development for translational research programmes in cancer and microbiology. His research interests include the development of metadata- and model-driven tools for electronic governance and health informatics.



Dr Ben GoldacreDr Ben Goldacre Edited

Ben Goldacre is a doctor, academic, campaigner and writer whose work focuses on uses and misuses of science and statistics by journalists, politicians, drug companies and quacks. His project at Oxford University aims to improve the transparency and reliability of clinical trials in medicine and randomised experiments in social policy. Originally trained in medicine in Oxford and London, Ben has recently co-founded the AllTrials campaign with Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, the BMJ, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Alliance, PLOS and Sense about Science. He is also the founder and director of BetterData, a non-profit organisation building fun projects to create and use data more effectively in healthcare and academia.


Ms Tracey Marriott

Tracey Marriott_Oxford AHSN_croppedTracey Marriott is the Director of Clinical Innovation Adoption at the Oxford AHSN, responsible for implementing the adoption of new technologies at scale and pace within the region. She is a Henley Management MBA qualitified transformational change professional with extensive experience of delivering complex programmes both nationally and within the Oxford AHSN region. She works closely with the Oxford AHSN Best Care Clinical Networks and Commercial Team, sevice providers, NHS Commissioners and suppliers for innovation implementation.



Professor Martin LandrayProf Martin Landray

Martin Landray is Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology within the Nuffield Department of Population Health and Deputy Director of the Big Data Institute within the Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery. His work seeks to further understanding of the determinants of common life-threatening and disabling diseases through the design, conduct and analysis of efficient, large-scale epidemiological studies (including clinical trials) and the widespread dissemination of both the results and the scientific methods used to generate them. He is heavily involved in streamlining clinical trials, working with the FDA, EMA, MHRA and MRC, to facilitate high quality research that is efficient in providing robust information for healthcare decision-making. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Clinical Trial Transformation Initiative (a FDA initiative, coordinated by Duke University) and a leader of the CTTI Monitoring and Quality by Design Projects.



For directions to the venue please click on this link: http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/about-us/travel-maps




Dell Software_Dell Blue




MRC Logo



10.00-10.30 Registration, with tea/coffee
Session 1: Innovation
10.30-10.40 Welcome and Keynote Speech
– Mr Tom Hockaday and Dr Nick Scott-Ram
10.40-11.00 Keynote Speech
Personalised health and care 2020
Dr Paul Rice
11.00-11.15 Big problem, big data, big solution? Data repurposing for dementia research
Professor Simon Lovestone
11.15-11.30 Digital Innovation in Cardiology Clinical Pathways
– Dr Piers Clifford
11.30-11.45 Brainomix – Improving stroke diagnosis with medical imaging
– Dr Michalis Papadakis
11.45-1200 Smart Oxford
– Mr Llewelyn Morgan
12.00-12.10 Welcome Keynote Speech- Professor Ian Walmsley
12.10-1.30 Lunch and Exhibition
Session 2: Data and Networking
1.30-1.50 Keynote Speech
Why do we need a Data Guardian?
– Dame Fiona Caldicott
1.50-2.05 Big Data for Population Health
– Professor Martin Landray
2.05-2.20 The True Colours Platform and the Changing Role of the Patient in Digital Health Research
– Dr Christopher Hinds
2.20-2.35 Chronic Disease Management and Digital Health
– Professor Kazem Rahimi
2.35-2.50 Down to Earth
– Dr Geraint Morgan
2.50-3.20 Afternoon tea break
Session 3: Local Enterprise and Application of Innovation
3.20-3.40 Keynote Speech
Innovation in Oxfordshire, new partnerships, networks and opportunities
– Professor Alistair Fitt
3.40-3.55 Oxehealth – Disruptive Innovation in Medical Technology
– Professor Lionel Tarassenko
3.55-4.10 Adoption of Gestational Diabetes Monitoring
– MsTracey Marriott & Dr Lucy MacKillop
4.10-4.25 Aiding Diagnosis of Rare Diseases Through Computational Analysis of Photographs
– Dr Christoffer Nellaker
4.25-4.45 Keynote Speech
From Innovation to Application
Mr Andy Walker
4.45-5.15 Expert panel discussion –Session Chair – Professor Lionel Tarassenko
5.15-6.00 Drinks, nibbles and networking amongst the exhibition


Other organisations present at the event

The University of Oxford

At Oxford University, our staff and students are passionate about the creation and impact of our research and how, in partnership, we can apply this to real challenges.


Begbroke Science Park

Begbroke Science Park is unique – the only science park in Oxfordshire wholly owned and managed by Oxford University.


Science and Technology Facilities Council

We are a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, and our goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people – and more broadly to the world.


Digital Health Oxford

Digital Health Oxford is a cross-disciplinary, cross-sector group that promotes and supports digital health in Oxford, and beyond.



New generation wireless monitoring devices and systems for real time and predictive indications of patient status.




Chandra Ramanujan

Dr Chandra Ramanujan


Dr Nick Scott-Ram Megan Turmezei

Dr Nick Scott-Ram Mrs Megan Turmezei

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