iOutcomes at IDF World Diabetes Congress 2015

Image from iOutcomes at IDF World Diabetes Congress 2015 News Article

17th November 2015

iOutcomes will be represented at the IDF World Diabetes Congress to be held in Vancouver, from November 30th - December 4th 2015.

At the World Diabetes Congress 2015 (WDC), organised by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), iOutcomes in collaboration with DHP Research will be will be exhibiting, and presenting two posters:

  • Development and initial evaluation of the Nutrition and Dietetic Patient Outcomes Questionnaire (NDPOQ)POSTER NUMBER: 0611-PD

New in iOutcomes portfolio self-report questionnaire, the Nutrition and Dietetic Patient Outcomes Questionnaire (NDPOQ), assessing the impact of dietetic and nutritional care on patients’ and parents’ daily living.

  • Assessing outcomes in diabetes studies from the patient’s perspective – The Diabetes Health ProfilePOSTER NUMBER: 1097-P

Poster focusing on the importance of the ability to measure the benefit of interventions in diabetes – the Diabetes Health Profile, designed to measure the impact of diabetes in a variety of settings, from clinical practice, population surveys to clinical trials.

To meet a representative of iOutcomes please contact Dr David Churchman (+44 (0)7908 629051) at the conference (Hyatt Regency Vancouver) or via iOutcomes HQ on +44 (0)1865 280847; or

iOutcomes is an activity within Technology Transfer, part of Oxford University Innovation Limited, the Technology Transfer Company for the University of Oxford. iOutcomes is dedicated to the provision and support in use of high quality PRO measures to the Pharmaceutical and healthcare provider sectors.

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