Isis to run Innovation Workshops at Medical Innovation Conference 2010
18th February 2010
Oxford University Innovation project managers will be offering free, confidential innovation workshops as part of the conference.
A Global Perspective on Healthcare Innovation
Wednesday 17th March 2010, 08:45 – 17:15
Thursday 18th March 2010, 08:30 – 16:15
Said Business School, Oxford
Innovation Workshops
Hosted by the Oxford Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and The George Institute for International Health, and supported by the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Medical Innovation 2010 will bring together over 300 healthcare professionals, managers, policy makers and researchers for a two-day conference at the Saïd Business School in Oxford. Through a dynamic programme including keynote speeches, parallel sessions, entrepreneurship workshops and networking opportunities, they aim to provide an exclusive insight into the global challenge of healthcare innovation.
This is an exciting opportunity to engage with a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals, both UK based and international. Throughout the conference you will obtain a 360 degree view of healthcare innovation, culminating in a high level policy debate held on the final day and an introduction to The George Centre for Healthcare Innovation.
Confirmed speakers and panel members include:
• Prof Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford
• Sir William Castell, Chairman, The Wellcome Trust
• Prof the Lord Darzi of Denham KBE, Chair of Surgery, Imperial College and former Minister of Health
• Prof Dame Sally Davies, Director General of Research and Development and Chief Scientific Advisor for the Department of Health and NHS
• Prof Leonard Fass, Director of Academic Relations, GE Healthcare; Visiting Professor, Bioengineering Department, Imperial College London
• Prof Ian Gilmore, President, Royal College of Physicians
• Prof Stephen MacMahon and Prof Robyn Norton, Principal Directors, The George Institute for International Health
• Prof Baron Peter Piot, The Institute for Global Health, Imperial College London
• Prof Ngaire Woods, Director, The Global Economic Governance Programme, University of Oxford
We expect the audience to include healthcare providers, policy-makers, healthcare entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, academics and others from the private and voluntary sectors both in the UK and globally.
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