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NaturalMotion talk covered by Forbes magazine
6th November 2014
NaturalMotion began as a project in the Zoology Department at the University of Oxford in 2001. Working with Oxford University Innovation, CEO Torsten Reil developed a business plan and secured first-round investors for the company. NaturalMotion was acquired by Zynga in early 2014 for $527m.
NaturalMotion is now a leading games and technology company based in Oxford, London and San Francisco. The company develops and publishes high-end, free to play social mobile games for iOS and Android and with over 30 million downloads and counting, is one of the fastest growing publishers on these platforms.
About Torsten
Torsten holds a BA in Biology from Oxford University and an MSc in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems from Sussex University. Prior to founding NaturalMotion, Torsten was researching for a PhD in Complex Systems at Oxford University’s Zoology department. Torsten has been named amongst MIT’s TR100 global top innovators, and has spoken at TED, TED Global and Apple’s iPhone 5 keynote.
About WilmerHale (event sponsor)
WilmerHale is proud to have acted as primary counsel to NaturalMotion from its spin out in 2003 until its sale to Zynga in 2014 and to have been involved in one of the largest transactions ever involving an Oxford spin out. Based in London and Oxford, WilmerHale advises multinational, non-US and US companies on a wide range of cross-border matters, with a particular focus on the technology and life sciences sectors. More information is available on the WilmerHale website.