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Yasa Motors Named the UK’s Best Enterprise
17th March 2012
Isis spin-out Yasa Motors has been named UK’s Best Enterprise in the Lloyds TSB/Telegraph Enterprise Awards.
The company was spun out by Oxford University Innovation in 2009 to commercialise an electric motor developed by Dr Malcolm McCulloch, head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Dr Tim Woolmer, then a PhD student in the group. It is now based at Milton Park in Abingdon.
“We’re looking at installing these high-performance electric motors in the new generation of electric and hybrid vehicles that will come on to the market in 2016/2017 as the design cycle for a new vehicle is four to five years,” said Woolmer, in an interview with the Telegraph.
Woolmer said the £50,000 prize money would go towards new lab equipment and an upgraded test facility.