Government support for innovation in Oxfordshire

Wavetrend OxLoc Partnership

31st January 2014

£30m government funding has been allocated as part of a £67m total investment in innovation centres in Oxfordshire under the ‘City Deal’ programme.

The investment will support and accelerate the establishment and growth of new companies being created in the region. £14m of the funding will go to two Oxford University centres, the Begbroke Innovation Accelerator and the Oxford Bioescalator.

Isis looks forward to working with these new centres which will offer more options and an improved environment for nurturing early-stage IP from the University. Tom Hockaday, Managing Director of Oxford University Innovation, the University of Oxford’s technology transfer company, said, “This is fantastic news for Oxford and the region. The pipeline of new discoveries and technologies generated by University researchers is growing each year. Isis is already the UK’s leading technology transfer office; the new hubs being announced today will provide the support for projects to reach investor-readiness in greater numbers, more quickly.”

Read more at the announcement

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