Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) Questionnaire
The Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) is a Patient Reported Outcome which has been developed to assess the quality of lif...
The Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) is a Patient Reported Outcome which has been developed to assess the quality of lif...
The Coeliac Disease Assessment Questionnaire (CDAQ) is a 32-item, patient-reported outcome measure d...
The Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale (LUNSERS) is self-rating scale for mea...
The Nutrition and Dietetic Patient Outcomes Questionnaires (NDPOQ), both Adult and Parent versions, ...
Oxford Knee Score – Activity and Participation Questionnaire (OKS-APQ) is an 8-item, patient-reported outcome measur...
The eHIQ assesses the impact of using health-related websites.
The Mild Cognitive Impairment Questionnaire (MCQ) is a self-report, 13-item PRO developed to assess quality of life (QoL) ...
Up to now, no short efficient cognitive screening tool was available that targets stroke survivors. The OCS (Oxford...
The Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS) is a 12-item patient-reported PRO specifically designed and developed for assessing outcom...
The Oxford Depression Questionnaire (ODQ) is a patient-centred, self-report measure of emotional symptoms present in patie...
The Oxford Ankle Foot Questionnaire for Children (OxAFQ-C) is a child – or parent (proxy)-reported self-report health st...
The Oxford Elbow Score (OES) is a short 12-item PRO specifically designed and developed for assessing outcomes of elbow su...