
We publish news of technology innovations, investment opportunities, together with updates from spinout & startup companies and licensees

Beacon Therapeutics spun out by Syncona and Oxford raises £96 million for retinal gene therapy

12th June 2023
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Beacon Therapeutics, a pioneering new biotech company, has launched with a mission to restore and improve the vision of patients with retinal diseases. The company is one of the most ambitious spinouts the University has been involved in to date, starting out with an impressive £96 million ($118.5m) in funding, the biggest launch for any company including an Oxford spin-out programme.

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CEO Spotlight: James Palles-Dimmock from Quantum Motion

29th March 2023
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Quantum Motion, an Oxford firm making quantum computers on silicon a reality, is riding high after a £42m funding round. To find out more, OUI's Gregg Bayes-Brown spoke with QM’s CEO James Palles-Dimmock.

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Oxford spinout Lumai secures £1.1m grant to power optical computing revolution

29th March 2023
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Lumai, a spinout from the University of Oxford, has secured a £1.1m Innovate UK Smart Grant to develop all-optical neural networks for high-performance computing and machine vision. The grant will help Lumai develop its vision to build ONNs that could be the solution to the explosive increase in computational demand to support breakthrough AI models such as ChatGPT.

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OUI Q2 2020 Update

13th July 2020
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OUI's momentum continues to build even under lockdown in a COVID-defying quarter.

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Combating COVID-19 – Oxford’s highest research priority

8th April 2020
All News | Technology News

Oxford University has adopted revised guidance to accelerate the licensing of relevant intellectual property (IP) for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, to avoid unnecessary delays or missed opportunities to understand, manage and protect against the threat posed.

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