Further Investment in Energy Management Technology Spun-out of Oxford

Navetas Energy Management has secured £5m in strategic investment from Sensus, a leading utility infrastructure company offering smart meters and communication systems for the electric, gas, and water industries. The investment deal will see Sensus acquire a 15% stake in Navetas and an exclusive licence agreement for Navetas technology in the United States market.

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Oxford University Innovation Taking Part In Oxfam Trailtrekker Challenge

The Challenge Trailtrekker is a 100km trek across the Yorkshire Dales National Park, non-stop throughout day and night over 30 hours. The route is challenging, requiring great determination and teamwork. Our four person Isis/Oxford team has chosen the extreme challenge to raise the most amount of money possible towards making a real difference for those living in poverty.

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University of Oxford Isis Fund II launched

Oxford University Innovation, the University’s research commercialisation arm, and Parkwalk Advisors today announced the launch of the University of Oxford Isis Fund II, set up to allow private investors to make tax efficient investments in a range of new Oxford technology companies.

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