Oxford University Innovation Highlights of 2012

Image from Oxford University Innovation Highlights of 2012 News Article

7th January 2013

Oxford University Innovation publishes most patents of European universities - WIPO Oxford University Innovation is the highest university PCT applicant in Europe, with 62 PCT applications published according to a study done by the World Intellectual Property Organisation in March, 2012.

Isis spin-outs make life-changing technologies accessible.

2012 has seen Isis spin-outs breaking new ground over a wide range of disciplines. Spin-outs that have the potential to save healthcare programmes millions of pounds featured prominently:

Oxehealth provides software to monitor vital signs via webcams allowing individuals to be assessed at home.
Intelligent Ultrasound utilises software that combines conventional ultrasound scanning with advanced automated image analysis post-processing to improve the diagnostic quality of scans and ensure that medical staff have the best ultrasound-based information to make clinical decisions.
Oxford Vacmedix started developing inexpensive vaccines for cancer and viral infection.  The spin-out received Chinese investment which was facilitated by Isis Enterprise offices in Asia, establishing a fresh model for investment in UK technology.
Established spin-outs from Isis that were in the news in 2012, both for technical progress and fundraising, included:

Oxford Nanopore, which announced a USB DNA sequencing kit.
NaturalMotion was featured in the Apple’s iPhone 5 event.
Oxford Photovoltaics, which promises to significantly lower the cost of manufacture for solar cells by developing a new class of photovoltaics.

Software in focus
2012 saw a step-wise change in software start-ups from Oxford University Innovation.

The Isis Software Incubator (ISI), with an intensive Summer Accelerator Programme, saw 11 new start-ups. The ISI supports early-stage software ventures from Oxford staff and students to develop products or services, and assists them to trade without external investment. Amongst them wasVerifyRecruit which went from an idea to serving customers via their website in three months.

The Oxford University Innovation Society (OIS) also saw its first software themed meeting with insights from the cutting edge of software developments from Torsten Reil, Founder and CEO of NaturalMotion, an Isis spin-out, and Dr Jamie Shotton of Microsoft.

Isis internationally
Isis Enterprise, the group in Oxford University Innovation which provides consulting expertise and advice in technology transfer and innovation management to clients across public and private sectors around the world, opened new offices in Kyoto and Madrid, and established the Isis-Changzhou International Technology Transfer Co. Ltd. in China, in 2012.

Among the international links established is a comprehensive programme to set up an intellectual property and knowledge transfer framework as well as to introduce an intensive training programme in science and technology entrepreneurship at the University of Malta.

University of Oxford commercialised technologies that redefine the boundaries
Dr Chris Stevens and his team at Engineering Science have developed a cable-free technology that has the potential to change the way we connect to electronic devices and recycle them.

Dr. Ghassan Yassin in the Department of Physics has forged valuable ties to industry with a cost-saving comprehensive microwave feed horn software design package.

Looking ahead
As these innovative technologies and companies develop and grow, many of them will be appearing in our news feeds for years to come.

Isis is proud to play its part in nurturing this exciting combination of technological development, job creation, and sustainable economic growth.

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