OUI Q3 2021 Update

Image from OUI Q3 2021 Update News Article

17th November 2021

News from the Oxford University innovation ecosystem.

Oxford University breaks spinout records

Oxford University, through OUI, has created 31 new companies over the past fiscal year, setting a new record for company creation at the University. In addition, Oxford companies have raised over £1.1bn during this period, a 29% increase from 2020’s previous record.

The figure puts Oxford University firmly into the number one spot for company creation in the UK, compared to peer universities. Globally, based on preliminary research based on most recently published figures for company creation from peer tech transfer organisations by OUI, Oxford is presently ranked number two, second only to Switzerland’s ETH Zurich with 34.

In addition, the IPO of Oxford Nanopore marked the most successful IPO exit for a UK spinout to date, and fifth largest globally for any spinout, according to data from Global University Venturing.

OUI Annual Review 2020 Banner

Featuring stories from across the company in its most challenging year on record, the OUI Annual Review is now available at https://annualreview2021.innovation.ox.ac.uk/

OUI Updates

OUI Headline Stats

Oxford University companies raised £140m during Q3 of 2020 over 12 deals. 

OUI launched 5 companies during Q3, including 4 spinouts and 1 social enterprise.

With OUI’s record breaking year in the books, the total number of companies to pass through our doors stands at 270. External funding since 2011 for those companies is now at £4.4bn.


New equity policy

Oxford University has updated its equity policy regarding the formation of spinouts.

The new policy sets the founding equity share in spinout companies at 80% for founder researchers and 20% for the University in nearly all cases. There are some conditions under which the split will be 90% for founder researchers and 10% for the University.

More details can be found on the University’s main site here.


Barnett is new CS Head

Jaci Barnett has joined OUI as our new Head of Consulting Services, replacing OUI veteran Andrew Goff.

Jaci was previously Head of Research Commercialisation and Investment at Bristol University, managing the team responsible for licensing Bristol’s technologies to new and established companies across a wide range of sectors.


Nanopore holds IPO

Oxford Nanopore has held their IPO, valuing the company around £5bn, making it the most successful UK spinout IPO in history.

Read more here




Oxford named best UK university for spinouts

Oxford University has been highlighted as the number one institution in the country for spinouts, as per a new report via IP expert group Source Advisors.

Read more here


Oxford adds £15bn a year to economy

Oxford University’s activities contribute £15.7bn to the UK economy, according to new research conducted by London economics.

Of the total, half comes from research and innovation activities, with activity around impact from IP licensing and spinouts accounting for £3.4bn.

The report concludes that for every £1 invested in Oxford, the University’s activities generate a further £10.

Read more here


OSI becomes OSE

Oxford Sciences Innovation has rebranded as Oxford Science Enterprises (OSE).

The move comes as OSE, which has the mission of creating unicorn companies from Oxford University research, itself has become a unicorn valued at over £1bn. 

Congratulations from everyone here at OUI, and we hope this cleans up the confusion between OSI and OUI.

Read more here


Ultromics locks in $33m

AI-based cardiology imaging firm Ultromics has secured $33m in its series B round.

Ultromics tech facilitates  fast and accurate diagnosis of diagnosis of coronary artery disease, heart failure and amyloidosis.

The round was led by Blue Venture Fund with participation from Optum Ventures, GV, and existing investor Oxford Science Enterprises.

Read more here


YASA merges with Mercedes Benz

Electric vehicle engine spinout YASA has been acquired by Mercedes Benz.

Read more here

Connecting with Oxford


– The Oxford Innovation Society is returning on the 2nd November with a virtual event looking at both Oxford’s path through the pandemic and where we go next.

– Enterprising Oxford’s Demo Day will take place on 18th November and will be held online. Details can be found here.



– OUI is looking for a Licensing and Ventures Manager for Social Sciences and a Post-Deal IP Relationship Manager

– Find more jobs at our companies here.


You can follow OUI for more news coming out of the Oxford Cluster by joining our communities on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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