Established in 2014, the University of Oxford Innovation Fund (UOIF) invests across all areas of technology and intellectual property from Oxford including new Oxford-based software companies. Managed by Parkwalk Advisors, with Oxford University Innovation as the Portfolio Advisor, this fund offers a tax-efficient opportunity to private investors, and provides an additional source of investment for spin-out and start-up ventures.
Key points/focus:
The UOIF will invest across all areas of technology and intellectual property from Oxford including new Oxford-based software companies.
The UOIF can only make equity investments and cannot otherwise provide funding for projects.
Applications Procedure:
A researcher wishing to apply for UOIF Funds should contact either the Technology Transfer Manager at Oxford University Innovation with whom they are already working or the Head of New Venture Support and Funding at Oxford University Innovation ( to be put in touch with the appropriate Technology Transfer Manager.
Further information regarding UOIF and the application procedure can be found here.