Oxford ArchDigital Archaeology

Oxford ArchDigital Archaeology, a spin-out company from the University of Oxford, has been chosen to deliver the new Finds Management Software for the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

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OxTox Ltd to Improve Road Safety

The 64th spin-out company from the University of Oxford, OxTox Ltd, will produce drug-testing kits for the police to use on drivers that are as reliable and easy to use as breathalysers for alcohol.

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New Spin-Out Spinox Ltd

A new spin-out from Oxford University, Spinox, is aiming to devise novel ways to copy spiders' ability to spin silks. The new silks may be used for sutures or woven material for surgical implants, protective clothing and in sports equipment.

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ISE Makes Smart-Metering Smarter

Oxford University Innovation, the University of Oxford’s technology transfer company, announced today that a new spin-out company has been formed based on technology developed at the University. Intelligent Sustainable Energy (ISE) has received funding from Navetas Energy Management to develop a smart metering technology.

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InhibOx Drug Discovery Launched in Oxford

Oxford University's latest spin-out is the drug-discovery company InhibOx Ltd, which uses advanced computational methods to carry out in silico screening on a massive scale to discover new leads for drugs quickly and cost-effectively. Initial projects are focused on cancer research, though other indications will be added in due course.

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