Oxford Spinout OXEMS Wins Prestigious Award

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4th January 2011

Oxford Electromagnetic Solutions Limited (OXEMS), which was spun out of the Department of Engineering Science of Oxford University by Oxford University Innovation in July 2010, has won a ‘Discovering Start-Ups 2010’ award, demonstrating that its new approach to detecting buried utility assets is recognised as an exciting innovation with great commercial potential.

Utilities cannot locate and identify modern buried assets in a fast, efficient and accurate way that seamlessly links to existing work practices and systems. The OXEMS Solution delivers all this. It has three parts: buried RF Tagging Units, an OXEMS Detector and an Integrated Identification System. Tagging Units identify utility type, asset diameter, fittings and provide barcode access to remote asset databases. Automated recording adds depth, GPS location, time/date, user and detector ID to create a totally unique identifier. The total solution incorporates RF, GPS and GPRS technologies to deliver a completely new approach to this old problem.

Discovering Startups 2010 is run by Cambridge Wireless and supported by the East of England Development Agency.


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