Top selling Game Uses NaturalMotion Ltd Technology

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1st August 2007

Rockstar Games confirmed in June 2007 that it is using euphoria technology from NaturalMotion Ltd in the computer game Grand Theft Auto IV, due for release in late 2007. The Grand Theft Auto franchise is one of the best-selling of all games titles.

NaturalMotion Ltd

The technology from NaturalMotion Ltd has been catching the attention of the games industry since the industry’s largest annual trade show, E3, in Los Angeles last year, when LucasArts started demonstrated its use of the dynamic character animation system in its upcoming Indiana Jones and Star Wars next-generation games.

Rockstar and NaturalMotion Ltd announced their partnership back in February and described their work as ‘well advanced’ – the latest trailer released by the controversial developer proved that was the case by demonstrating real time footage of the game in action using the technology.

GTA IV is built on Rockstar’s proprietary next-generation game engine, R.A.G.E. which the company says ‘allowing for an unprecedented level of realism and interactivity’.

NaturalMotion Ltd. is the first company to create 3D character animation software based on Dynamic Motion Synthesis (DMS), a technology that utilizes Adaptive Behaviours and artificial intelligence to simulate the human-nervous system. Based on Oxford University research on the control of body movements, NaturalMotion’s euphoria synthesizes 3D character animation in real time on Playstation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC, thus creating unique game moments and previously unachievable interactivity. NaturalMotion’s other DMS product endorphin creates off-line animation an order of magnitude faster than traditional techniques, and is widely used in the film and games industries, with customers such as Sony, Giant Killer Robots, The Mill, Capcom, Namco and Konami. NaturalMotion’s third product, morpheme, is the industry’s first graphically authorable animation engine designed to give animators full control over the look of their animations in-game.

Visit the NaturalMotion Ltd website.

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